Subsurface Utility Engineering (SUE) is a crucial component of Public Works projects, which often include a broad array of stakeholders and clients. These clients include:
- Local municipalities such as City of Houston and City of Tampa
- Utilities like AT&T
- Water/wastewater providers/pipelines like NTMWD, TRWD, DWU, & TRA
- Governmental entities including Cap Metro and DART, and Harris County Flood Control District
- Local businesses/residents
Protection of existing utilities and infrastructure is critical. Halff has designated over 10M+ of utilities and vacuum-excavated over 10,000 test holes across Texas, Louisiana, Oklahoma, Arkansas and Florida.
Halff’s SUE and Utility Coordination (UC) team analyzes for conflicts and provides peer plan reviews, new location, rehab, and relocation design, some of which are joint-bid in the PS&E.