Halff assisted the City of New Port Richey in developing and implementing a street management program. The first task was preparing a needs assessment analysis that inventoried 70 miles of paved streets owned by the City, categorized their condition using a 10-point scale and entered the data into a GIS database. The analysis concluded many of the City’s streets were approaching the end of their service life, and without a comprehensive maintenance program, the City would soon have numerous streets beyond the rehabilitation threshold.
Halff worked closely with City staff and a citizen advisory committee to develop a funding methodology that finances an ongoing annual maintenance program designed to resurface each paved street within a 20-year cycle.
Subsequent to City Council’s implementation of a street maintenance funding ordinance, Halff has prepared several sets of resurfacing construction drawings for the lowest-ranked roadway segments. The plans are prepared using aerial photographs, GIS data, limited topographic survey and field observations. This data is combined to determine the limits of patching, base replacements and milling. Valley gutter and drainage flumes are installed in limited circumstances to address pavement failure caused by historic flooding. This hybrid plan preparation process allows Halff to provide cost-effective construction plans that correct minor damage problems without the high cost of right of way acquisition, full survey or unnecessary studies.