Mount Dora Round Lake Road Lift Station/SR 46 Utility Relocation Design

crew members working on City of Apopka underground pipes

2,700 gpm


City of Mount Dora

Halff provided survey, design, permitting, bidding and construction administration for the installation of water, reclaimed water and wastewater improvements on the State Road 46 corridor segment of the Wekiva Parkway project.

The project involved the construction of Lift Station No. 53, including gravity sewer and force main connections from existing stub-outs on Round Lake Road, and a conduit for a future fiber connection to the Eastern Service Area Water Treatment Plant. The final design included wet wells and piping sized for ultimate capacity, with pumps and controls sized to use an existing 8-inch force main to accommodate initial growth in the service area.

Halff worked in conjunction with the FDOT construction design team to provide detailed design drawings for:

      • 9,400 lf of 16-inch water main
      • 2,500 lf of 12-inch water main
      • 9,400 lf of 12-inch reclaimed water main
      • 7,300 lf of 16-inch wastewater force main
      • 6,700 lf of 8-inch wastewater force main
      • 2,000 lf of 12-inch wastewater gravity sewer

The fast-track design was completed in three months to accommodate FDOT’s construction schedule. Additionally, the project included an alignment to avoid impacts from the impending installation of FDOT’s roadway, stormwater infrastructure and light poles.

Halff Services

  • Surveying
  • Water Conveyance & Pumps
  • Water/Wastewater Treatment

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