Halff worked with the City of Bull Shoals to replace the existing wastewater treatment plant and upgrade the collection system. The firm assisted the City of Bull Shoals in securing $9 million of grants and loans to fund the project. $4 million of the funding is being provided through a USDA grant. Halff developed a comprehensive preliminary engineering report (PER) for the project for the City to use in pursuing project funding. The PER included assessment of the environmental impact of the project options as well as preliminary cost estimations.
Attention to detail was imperative during this design process. Halff developed a grading plan that conformed to the rugged terrain. This ensured that the adjacent White River was protected during construction. Adaptation to the uneven terrain and protection of the White River were the primary goals of the design team in developing construction drawings and planning the construction phasing. The new plant was designed so the existing plant could stay in service until the new plant was activated. Halff completed the project design in the spring of 2018.
The rehabilitation of the existing collection system includes open-trench replacement of more than 1.5 miles of existing sewer mains. The mains selected for replacement follow the alignment of valley streams that drain to the White River. Decades of erosion resulted in mains that were shallow and exposed and susceptible to inflow and infiltration (I&I). The new lines were designed with adequate cover and watertight manholes to reduce I&I issues.
Halff assisted the City of Bull Shoals with construction and contract management after the groundbreaking. Project reports, pay requests, change orders and close out documents were prepared by Halff. The firm also provided full-time construction observation through the duration of the project.
The construction was completed in 2020, as Halff safely and securely delivered impressive improvements and quality work to the Bull Shoals Wastewater Treatment Plant. Through award-winning design, close collaboration between Halff and the City, and excellent expertise, the project delivered many wonderful improvements and solutions to maintain a brighter and cleaner future for the White River and the community.
Won Award:
2021 — Arkansas Engineering Excellence Award – Water and Wastewater; American Council of Engineering Companies (ACEC)
Read more | Case Study: City of Bull Shoals Wastewater Treatment Plant Improvements Near the Beautiful White River